Commonly asked Carpet Care Questions

All your carpet care questions answered.

Do I need to move furniture before the cleaning crew arrives?

No, we will do the work for you. When necessary, our team will move furniture and return it to its rightful place when cleaning is finished.


How often should I get my carpets cleaned?

How often your carpets are cleaned will depend primarily on your carpet's condition, fiber type and color. It is best to schedule a professional cleaning when traffic areas begin to show soiling. For some, this could mean carpet extraction once every six months, for others once a year or longer. We do recommend interim maintenance in between deep cleans.


How long will it take for my carpet to dry? 

Dry time is affected by humidity, temperature and airflow to the area. The process can take anywhere between 8-24 hours to dry completely. You may walk on your carpet immediately after cleaning, but try to avoid wet areas if possible. 


For more information about our carpet cleaning services visit our website at